We bought this bed for our 10 year old. He needed a bigger bed that was going to be sturdy. (We upgraded from twin bunkbeds to a full size.) He is already a little over 5ft tall and is expected to be over 6ft. My husband was dreading putting it together as we have had a few bad experiences putting together furniture. This was the easiest thing to put together. It took less than 20 minutes.
The easiest bed to put together
We bought this bed for our 10 year old. He needed a bigger bed that was going to be sturdy. (We upgraded from twin bunkbeds to a full size.) He is already a little over 5ft tall and is expected to be over 6ft. My husband was dreading putting it together as we have had a few bad experiences putting together furniture. This was the easiest thing to put together. It took less than 20 minutes.