I bought these chairs about a month ago and overall I like them. They were relatively easy to assemble and feel sturdy when sitting in them. There was a slight quality issue we had with one of the chairs, which is that the finish on top cracked and peeled off within a few weeks of using it. This happened after I walked by the chair with my hip grazing the edge of the back seat part. This isnt happening on any of the other chairs that we bought, but its something to keep in mind.
Good Chairs, Looks Great, Slight Quality Issue
I bought these chairs about a month ago and overall I like them. They were relatively easy to assemble and feel sturdy when sitting in them. There was a slight quality issue we had with one of the chairs, which is that the finish on top cracked and peeled off within a few weeks of using it. This happened after I walked by the chair with my hip grazing the edge of the back seat part. This isnt happening on any of the other chairs that we bought, but its something to keep in mind.