I recently purchased this item, and I love it! I fit perfectly in it and I am 12. It took longer than expected to arrive and assemble though. Seriously, the instructions said Assembly time: Approximately 45 minutes, but it took me and my parents 4 hours to assemble! But that could be because of us, it might take less time if you are better at it. Overall, it was a great purchase! This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there.
Great bed, but took 4 hours to assemble!
I recently purchased this item, and I love it! I fit perfectly in it and I am 12. It took longer than expected to arrive and assemble though. Seriously, the instructions said Assembly time: Approximately 45 minutes, but it took me and my parents 4 hours to assemble! But that could be because of us, it might take less time if you are better at it. Overall, it was a great purchase! This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there.