My bed frame arrived earlier than the expected delivery date which is always nice. The seller actually contacted me to approve sending it sooner. Excellent communication from them. The assembly of the bed frame is pretty involved but these lovely geniuses numbered the boxes by order of assembly. Not only that but everything you need to assemble that step is contained in that box. Everything fits tightly and smoothly once assembled. My two toddlers have jump tested the heck out of it and not so much as a creak. This is an excellent bed frame. Im extremely pleased with this product.
Worth every penny
My bed frame arrived earlier than the expected delivery date which is always nice. The seller actually contacted me to approve sending it sooner. Excellent communication from them. The assembly of the bed frame is pretty involved but these lovely geniuses numbered the boxes by order of assembly. Not only that but everything you need to assemble that step is contained in that box. Everything fits tightly and smoothly once assembled. My two toddlers have jump tested the heck out of it and not so much as a creak. This is an excellent bed frame. Im extremely pleased with this product.