Maybe one real drawback is the assembly / it took me probably 8/10 hours of total work to assemble it. Instructions are pretty clear and all, its just A LOT OF PARTS. Also, some of the screws were too short and didnt hold in place, I had to buy other ones from a hardware store. Regardless of that, the end product looks stylish, feels very sturdy, and the storage space is aming. If I were to buy it again, Id buy s assembly service too.
Looks great, feels sturdy.
Maybe one real drawback is the assembly / it took me probably 8/10 hours of total work to assemble it. Instructions are pretty clear and all, its just A LOT OF PARTS. Also, some of the screws were too short and didnt hold in place, I had to buy other ones from a hardware store. Regardless of that, the end product looks stylish, feels very sturdy, and the storage space is aming. If I were to buy it again, Id buy s assembly service too.