I was a little hesitant because there werent many reviews on this item before ordering. This sofa exceeded my expectations. I have only owned it for 2 days now, so I cant speak for the longevity of it.
The leather is nice. It looks a little vintage which is the look we were going for. The assembly was super easy. It was delivered by freight. The delivery was earlier than expected and they even cleaned up the packing materials before leaving.
I was a little hesitant because there werent many reviews on this item before ordering. This sofa exceeded my expectations. I have only owned it for 2 days now, so I cant speak for the longevity of it. The leather is nice. It looks a little vintage which is the look we were going for. The assembly was super easy. It was delivered by freight. The delivery was earlier than expected and they even cleaned up the packing materials before leaving.