My wife and I were extremely pleased with how good the quality of the materials used in this product are. It came packaged very well. I could tell a lot of thought and planning went into the packaging alone and ours came without a single blemish that I could find. Because it was packed so carefully, it did take a little while to unpack it. Once it was unpacked, I estimated I was staring at about 1-1.5 hours of work, but the instructions were easy to follow and I finished assembling it in less than 45 minutes. Again, the quality of the wood used is superb--nothing fake or simulated here. Once it was finished, everything was square and the fit and finish was great. Seems like it will last for decades.
Highly Recommend
My wife and I were extremely pleased with how good the quality of the materials used in this product are. It came packaged very well. I could tell a lot of thought and planning went into the packaging alone and ours came without a single blemish that I could find. Because it was packed so carefully, it did take a little while to unpack it. Once it was unpacked, I estimated I was staring at about 1-1.5 hours of work, but the instructions were easy to follow and I finished assembling it in less than 45 minutes. Again, the quality of the wood used is superb--nothing fake or simulated here. Once it was finished, everything was square and the fit and finish was great. Seems like it will last for decades.