It was pretty easy to assemble. Sturdy once done. I got this to make a minibar/liquor cabinet. It looks great! Only complaint is that the top piece has a few scratches. I have an ornate tray and liquor bottles and a mini bankers lamp on top so the scratch marks arent too noticeable. I didnt decide to cover them up as an afterthought. It was my original intention to place these items on top. It just happened to help hide the scratches a bit. Overall Im happy with it!
Speak easy
It was pretty easy to assemble. Sturdy once done. I got this to make a minibar/liquor cabinet. It looks great! Only complaint is that the top piece has a few scratches. I have an ornate tray and liquor bottles and a mini bankers lamp on top so the scratch marks arent too noticeable. I didnt decide to cover them up as an afterthought. It was my original intention to place these items on top. It just happened to help hide the scratches a bit. Overall Im happy with it!