The idea of this bed is great, but the execution is poor. Customer service was great about getting me the missing hardware and pieces that were missing in my original shipment. It was cumbersome to put together. Instructions didnt really help, a video link would be nice to have in the future. And those individual bar pieces suck! The rails should be one solid piece instead of 72 individual rail pieces that are impossible to stay put in between the top rail and bottom. I almost returned the entire product due to that. Im going to have to make something more solid to ensure those pieces stay put.
Instructions are a joke!
The idea of this bed is great, but the execution is poor. Customer service was great about getting me the missing hardware and pieces that were missing in my original shipment. It was cumbersome to put together. Instructions didnt really help, a video link would be nice to have in the future. And those individual bar pieces suck! The rails should be one solid piece instead of 72 individual rail pieces that are impossible to stay put in between the top rail and bottom. I almost returned the entire product due to that. Im going to have to make something more solid to ensure those pieces stay put.