Bed is perfect for our smaller bedroom used for granddaughters visits. Arrived in given time frame and with all pieces in good condition. It took my son who is very familiar with construction a few hours to put together. Lots of small pieces but seems very sturdy and is reported to be comfortable for sleeping. Trundle rolls easily on a low pile carpet with 6” mattress. Bed is beautiful in soft gray velvet. Keep in mind it’s the size of a twin bed so takes up a bit more space than a sofa. Have received lots of compliments from all that have seen it and granddaughters love it!
Beautiful and Functional
Bed is perfect for our smaller bedroom used for granddaughters visits. Arrived in given time frame and with all pieces in good condition. It took my son who is very familiar with construction a few hours to put together. Lots of small pieces but seems very sturdy and is reported to be comfortable for sleeping. Trundle rolls easily on a low pile carpet with 6” mattress. Bed is beautiful in soft gray velvet. Keep in mind it’s the size of a twin bed so takes up a bit more space than a sofa. Have received lots of compliments from all that have seen it and granddaughters love it!