This is a beautiful chair. It requires assembly, but it was quick and easy to do. We were able to put it together in about 15 minutes. It comes with a little wrench, but my husband used his own tools to speed things up. The finished chair is sturdy. Its a little lower than I expected. I have it in my bedroom right now. We have been painting the bedroom and this chair matches quite well. I will probably be using it for decoration more so than function, so the height isnt really a big deal.
Beautiful Chair!
This is a beautiful chair. It requires assembly, but it was quick and easy to do. We were able to put it together in about 15 minutes. It comes with a little wrench, but my husband used his own tools to speed things up. The finished chair is sturdy. Its a little lower than I expected. I have it in my bedroom right now. We have been painting the bedroom and this chair matches quite well. I will probably be using it for decoration more so than function, so the height isnt really a big deal.