Bought this bed for my 8 yr old son and he loves it. Assembly was easy as long as directions are followed; took less than 2 hours in total to assemble the full day bed and trundle with 2 adults and a power drill (without the power drill it probably would have taken more than 2 hours to assemble). Arrived 2 days before expected with all parts needed and nothing damaged. With this being a metal frame bed I was hesitant to buy, but the bed is very sturdy; my husband is 270lbs and laid on the top bed without any bars bowing. My son is able to easily pull out the trundle by himself even though his room is carpeted. Would absolutely buy again! Very pleased!!!!
More than expected
Bought this bed for my 8 yr old son and he loves it. Assembly was easy as long as directions are followed; took less than 2 hours in total to assemble the full day bed and trundle with 2 adults and a power drill (without the power drill it probably would have taken more than 2 hours to assemble). Arrived 2 days before expected with all parts needed and nothing damaged. With this being a metal frame bed I was hesitant to buy, but the bed is very sturdy; my husband is 270lbs and laid on the top bed without any bars bowing. My son is able to easily pull out the trundle by himself even though his room is carpeted. Would absolutely buy again! Very pleased!!!!