These bar stools look beautiful and are sturdy. They were easy to assemble and comfortable to sit on. I ordered two sets (4 stools total), but the second set was missing parts (screws, etc.) to assemble the stools. Also, the second set seats looked a little scuffed. No problem! I simply took that set to my nearest UPS store and dropped it off. UPS will securely box it and send it to . As part of the return process, I ordered a replacement of the same set. Cant beat these for the quality and the price! Cheap sturdy stylish!!!
Excellent Stools for the Money!
These bar stools look beautiful and are sturdy. They were easy to assemble and comfortable to sit on. I ordered two sets (4 stools total), but the second set was missing parts (screws, etc.) to assemble the stools. Also, the second set seats looked a little scuffed. No problem! I simply took that set to my nearest UPS store and dropped it off. UPS will securely box it and send it to . As part of the return process, I ordered a replacement of the same set. Cant beat these for the quality and the price! Cheap sturdy stylish!!!