Update: Customer service responded to my email within a few hours and included an assembly video. There was in fact no issue with the product. Giving it 5 stars.
Bench was easy to assemble until I got to the seat. There are no holes drilled for the screws! Am unable to finish assembly. I have contacted the company. Will change review based on customer service outcome. Bench appears to be very sturdy and nice. Exactly what I was looking for
Wish I could give 5 stars : UPDATED!!
Update: Customer service responded to my email within a few hours and included an assembly video. There was in fact no issue with the product. Giving it 5 stars. Bench was easy to assemble until I got to the seat. There are no holes drilled for the screws! Am unable to finish assembly. I have contacted the company. Will change review based on customer service outcome. Bench appears to be very sturdy and nice. Exactly what I was looking for