Not all parts received….seller later sent them to us.
The product was fairly easy to assemble. However we did not receive actual instructions or the screws to secure together the three pieces that are the safety bar. Have sent feedback to seller asking them to send. Will update review if we receive the missing screws.
Update: Seller sent the screws that were missing. We received within a week of notifying them. Have changed my review to 4 stars and would buy from them again.
Not all parts received….seller later sent them to us.
The product was fairly easy to assemble. However we did not receive actual instructions or the screws to secure together the three pieces that are the safety bar. Have sent feedback to seller asking them to send. Will update review if we receive the missing screws. Update: Seller sent the screws that were missing. We received within a week of notifying them. Have changed my review to 4 stars and would buy from them again.