I ordered this bunk bed and got it quickly. I was pretty worried about assembly since the bunk bed before this was from and it was a disaster to put together.
This bunk bed was different. The directions are slightly confusing and you really need to pay attention to the details (especially the mattress frames: I put the top bunk ones on the bottom and the bottom ones on the top). All parts were there and easily labelled. This was put together in about 2 1/2 hours. Very sturdy and made with sturdy materials. My kids love it! Definitely worth every penny!
Great bunk bed!!
I ordered this bunk bed and got it quickly. I was pretty worried about assembly since the bunk bed before this was from and it was a disaster to put together. This bunk bed was different. The directions are slightly confusing and you really need to pay attention to the details (especially the mattress frames: I put the top bunk ones on the bottom and the bottom ones on the top). All parts were there and easily labelled. This was put together in about 2 1/2 hours. Very sturdy and made with sturdy materials. My kids love it! Definitely worth every penny!