East to assemble and so darn cute! My daughter loves it. The first box came absolutely indestructible from the carrier. I cannot believe they even left it. The hardware was missing and several pieces were scrapped. Was sent another one in return (not when promised) but thats an entirely different issue. Used two people to assemble but most can be done with one person. Its worth the money and a sturdy bed. Definitely makes a room look darlin!
Cute bed!
East to assemble and so darn cute! My daughter loves it. The first box came absolutely indestructible from the carrier. I cannot believe they even left it. The hardware was missing and several pieces were scrapped. Was sent another one in return (not when promised) but thats an entirely different issue. Used two people to assemble but most can be done with one person. Its worth the money and a sturdy bed. Definitely makes a room look darlin!