I bought a twin size bed. The quality of the bed is good and also it was easy to assemble. There were two scuff marks but they were in a non-visible area. I don't like the slats as they aren't thick and can sag easily under load. Also, there is no middle support under the slats so the assembly video is misleading. I doubt very much the weight rating of 500 lbs for this bed other than that I like the bed and its quality.
Price and quality
I bought a twin size bed. The quality of the bed is good and also it was easy to assemble. There were two scuff marks but they were in a non-visible area. I don't like the slats as they aren't thick and can sag easily under load. Also, there is no middle support under the slats so the assembly video is misleading. I doubt very much the weight rating of 500 lbs for this bed other than that I like the bed and its quality.