Can withstand destructive toddler and large husband!
Love Love Love this bed! It is extremely sturdy! No squeaking either! My husband and myself lay down in the bed with our toddler and read him books to fall asleep and there isnt a second thought that this bed would budge. My husband is a good 230lbs and he gets right in there and lays down with our toddler and they hang out. We strung lights in it and I just cant say enough good things about! Its very aesthetically pleasing and durable little cave for our little dude. Easy to assemble! So luxurious!
Can withstand destructive toddler and large husband!
Love Love Love this bed! It is extremely sturdy! No squeaking either! My husband and myself lay down in the bed with our toddler and read him books to fall asleep and there isnt a second thought that this bed would budge. My husband is a good 230lbs and he gets right in there and lays down with our toddler and they hang out. We strung lights in it and I just cant say enough good things about! Its very aesthetically pleasing and durable little cave for our little dude. Easy to assemble! So luxurious!