So based on reviews of this/ I got it because of the sturdy reviews. Which is definitely is sturdy. But, it did take quite some time to put together. The pieces are not labeled like others have said (with the exception of the screws and such) but there is a diagram in the instructions that tells you what each piece is. It is very similar to assembly ikea furniture but it did take a couple hours to get it all assembled. We were able to put a trundle under it too because it high enough off the ground.
Definitely takes some time to assemble
So based on reviews of this/ I got it because of the sturdy reviews. Which is definitely is sturdy. But, it did take quite some time to put together. The pieces are not labeled like others have said (with the exception of the screws and such) but there is a diagram in the instructions that tells you what each piece is. It is very similar to assembly ikea furniture but it did take a couple hours to get it all assembled. We were able to put a trundle under it too because it high enough off the ground.