Takes up less space.I got this as part of an prime deal and so far I am really happy with it. Very easy to assemble, just takes a little time. Seems nice and sturdy. Plenty of room underneath of the frame as well for storage. It was packaged extremely well, to the point it was impressive but the box is insanely heavy so dont try and move it yourself. Everything arrived in good shape and went together smoothly. No creaking or squeaking as of yet. Definitely worth the price I think. Plus, everything will pack back up into the headboard for transport or storage, which is such a nice feature!
Loving it!
Takes up less space.I got this as part of an prime deal and so far I am really happy with it. Very easy to assemble, just takes a little time. Seems nice and sturdy. Plenty of room underneath of the frame as well for storage. It was packaged extremely well, to the point it was impressive but the box is insanely heavy so dont try and move it yourself. Everything arrived in good shape and went together smoothly. No creaking or squeaking as of yet. Definitely worth the price I think. Plus, everything will pack back up into the headboard for transport or storage, which is such a nice feature!