Shipping was quick, so was the assembly process. It took about an hour. One of the items was damaged and glue did not work to fix it but it was honestly fine since its not noticeable in the final look, then another leg piece had white residue on it. The bed is beautiful but not very sturdy. I will have to see how functional it is when my boxspring and mattress arrive. I say you get what you pay for. If you arent a karen about the small things I would get this bed otherwise, get another one.Its ok but smaller than expected.
Its ok.
Shipping was quick, so was the assembly process. It took about an hour. One of the items was damaged and glue did not work to fix it but it was honestly fine since its not noticeable in the final look, then another leg piece had white residue on it. The bed is beautiful but not very sturdy. I will have to see how functional it is when my boxspring and mattress arrive. I say you get what you pay for. If you arent a karen about the small things I would get this bed otherwise, get another one.Its ok but smaller than expected.