High Quality, Modern and Elegant Im always just a little skiddish when purchasing an item and the price seems too good to be true. I dont know, I guess Ive burned too many times, so I was a little worried about this purchase, like how it would arrive or how the quality would be. I was really surprised when we got it, way sooner than promised, and it was sturdy!! My 6 year old daughter loves it, although the two sides ladder makes me nervous because she doesnt pay attention to her surroundings, but Im constantly reminding her to be careful and look where shes at. Other than that, its just one of our better purchases, and for a good price. The color was the accent piece in her room and its the perfect bed.
A little scary, but love it!
High Quality, Modern and Elegant Im always just a little skiddish when purchasing an item and the price seems too good to be true. I dont know, I guess Ive burned too many times, so I was a little worried about this purchase, like how it would arrive or how the quality would be. I was really surprised when we got it, way sooner than promised, and it was sturdy!! My 6 year old daughter loves it, although the two sides ladder makes me nervous because she doesnt pay attention to her surroundings, but Im constantly reminding her to be careful and look where shes at. Other than that, its just one of our better purchases, and for a good price. The color was the accent piece in her room and its the perfect bed.