This was purchased for my 83 year old father. He is approximately 5'4and this chair was a bit too tall and the seat too deep! It was perfect for my 6 ft tall husband.
The chair is a very attractive and seems plenty sturdy. The arms and back seem comfortably cushioned, more so than the seat, but it may relaxed with use.
The limited number of positions was disappointing. We were unable to raise the leg support, without the back reclining. My father has to keep legs up, but doesn't always want to lay back. It may be possible to do it somehow, but we have never figured it out. ♀️
Overall nice chair, just not a good fit for smaller statured person.
Limited positions
This was purchased for my 83 year old father. He is approximately 5'4and this chair was a bit too tall and the seat too deep! It was perfect for my 6 ft tall husband. The chair is a very attractive and seems plenty sturdy. The arms and back seem comfortably cushioned, more so than the seat, but it may relaxed with use. The limited number of positions was disappointing. We were unable to raise the leg support, without the back reclining. My father has to keep legs up, but doesn't always want to lay back. It may be possible to do it somehow, but we have never figured it out. ♀️ Overall nice chair, just not a good fit for smaller statured person.