More sturdy than expected. So weve had this bed for a little over a year now. It was absolutely perfect until it had to be disassembled for moving. I put it back together EXACTLY the same way as it was before and now it squeaks like cry. Its very nice looking and sturdy, but the squeak is positively awful and weve tried everything to fix it and it just wont stop. I think we might have to toss it soon.
So loud!
More sturdy than expected. So weve had this bed for a little over a year now. It was absolutely perfect until it had to be disassembled for moving. I put it back together EXACTLY the same way as it was before and now it squeaks like cry. Its very nice looking and sturdy, but the squeak is positively awful and weve tried everything to fix it and it just wont stop. I think we might have to toss it soon.