A little difficult to assemble needs 2 people. Super super sturdy i bought it because i think bhg has really sturdy furniture at an affordable price i have big kids that always seem to break stuff. This is for my 5 year old and should last long because weve all been in it at 150 lbs+ and it felt very sturdy and stable doesnt wobble easy to climb incredible amount of storage space underneath my daughter can fit all her stuff under there i could probably even fit her clothes if i wanted. Those storage cubes fit perfectly as do plastic storage boxes. Plus there is plenty of room for her to play underneath. A great way to maximize space. Surprisingly very comfortable
A great buy / sturdy and space saving.
A little difficult to assemble needs 2 people. Super super sturdy i bought it because i think bhg has really sturdy furniture at an affordable price i have big kids that always seem to break stuff. This is for my 5 year old and should last long because weve all been in it at 150 lbs+ and it felt very sturdy and stable doesnt wobble easy to climb incredible amount of storage space underneath my daughter can fit all her stuff under there i could probably even fit her clothes if i wanted. Those storage cubes fit perfectly as do plastic storage boxes. Plus there is plenty of room for her to play underneath. A great way to maximize space. Surprisingly very comfortable