Kids love it easy to put together. Super cute chair! Came quicker than expected for my home office sturdy and comfy. Knocked off one star at one of the legs came damaged and Some minor imperfections in the fabric. Also although main part of the chair is one piece, it ships bent so its more compact and you have to straighten out and add a screw to hold it. Makes it super sturdy, but definitely takes 2 people to do it. My Husband pushed down to ensure the holes matched up and I put the screw it. Overall good chair, great price and very stylish.
Super cute!
Kids love it easy to put together. Super cute chair! Came quicker than expected for my home office sturdy and comfy. Knocked off one star at one of the legs came damaged and Some minor imperfections in the fabric. Also although main part of the chair is one piece, it ships bent so its more compact and you have to straighten out and add a screw to hold it. Makes it super sturdy, but definitely takes 2 people to do it. My Husband pushed down to ensure the holes matched up and I put the screw it. Overall good chair, great price and very stylish.