My 11 year old daughter loves this bed, so I have to give it some stars on her behalf. She says her waist is too big and the opening is too small. That is her only complaint. It seems wobly when she climbs on it, but it doesn't bother her. She's about 120 lbs, 5'6 tall.
Now let's get to my opinion.
-The instructions suck. They are picture only, which would be fine if the pictures were better. They show the letter or number for the parts, but they aren't detailed enough to know which direction to make pieces go. It also switches between pictures where one picture on step 4 will show it from the front, then the next picture on step 5 will show the bed from the back. I ended up having to switch the 4 upright poles after it was 90% assembled because of this.
- I can't imagine putting this together without a helper. I would say it is definitely a 2 person assembly. I had 2 helpers.
-it is not reversible. Period. Make sure you are okay with the desk on the right and ladder on the left.
- ALL of the screws are put in using a provided Allen wrench. By the time I was done, my hands ached from the hand turning with the Allen wrench. A few of the screws are in a spot where you have to turn a quarter turn, then reset your wrench. Super annoying.
-overtightening is pretty easy. My super mom bod strength overtightened 2 of the screws which basically makes that fastened area useless.
Overall it serves its purpose. I wouldn't recommend for bigger kids at all. Even the 70 lb 8 year old shakes it like cr
Assembly isn't fun
My 11 year old daughter loves this bed, so I have to give it some stars on her behalf. She says her waist is too big and the opening is too small. That is her only complaint. It seems wobly when she climbs on it, but it doesn't bother her. She's about 120 lbs, 5'6 tall. Now let's get to my opinion. -The instructions suck. They are picture only, which would be fine if the pictures were better. They show the letter or number for the parts, but they aren't detailed enough to know which direction to make pieces go. It also switches between pictures where one picture on step 4 will show it from the front, then the next picture on step 5 will show the bed from the back. I ended up having to switch the 4 upright poles after it was 90% assembled because of this. - I can't imagine putting this together without a helper. I would say it is definitely a 2 person assembly. I had 2 helpers. -it is not reversible. Period. Make sure you are okay with the desk on the right and ladder on the left. - ALL of the screws are put in using a provided Allen wrench. By the time I was done, my hands ached from the hand turning with the Allen wrench. A few of the screws are in a spot where you have to turn a quarter turn, then reset your wrench. Super annoying. -overtightening is pretty easy. My super mom bod strength overtightened 2 of the screws which basically makes that fastened area useless. Overall it serves its purpose. I wouldn't recommend for bigger kids at all. Even the 70 lb 8 year old shakes it like cr