This came as a surprise because it is very sturdy and durable more than I would have thought, I really loved this. It is very heavy too, but there are wheels. Assembling took around 1.5 hours, but everything was labeled, the instructions were very clear, and honestly it was way easier to put together than the Ikea pieces. So I don't know why a lot of people complained about assembling it. We had no issues whatsoever.
Great kitchen island
This came as a surprise because it is very sturdy and durable more than I would have thought, I really loved this. It is very heavy too, but there are wheels. Assembling took around 1.5 hours, but everything was labeled, the instructions were very clear, and honestly it was way easier to put together than the Ikea pieces. So I don't know why a lot of people complained about assembling it. We had no issues whatsoever.