You CANNOT return this bedframe for a full refund of your purchase. If you return it then you will be charged a 50% restocking fee and the return shipping fee to send it back, PLUS the prior international shipping fee to ship it from Japan, which the seller informed is $150 or more. The return policy here is misleading as returning this item will likely cost you more than the purchasing price. Once youve bought this youre basically stuck with it.
However, I will say the bedframe shipped to me was decently made and relatively comfortable. Moving it is very challenging as you cant pick it up like a normal bed frame or it will bend and bow in the center and possibly break. The instructions are entirely in Japanese and there is no English translation provided but its so simple to assemble that you can get by with Google Translate or just looking at the pictures. There are also rough edges that may need sanding but nothing drastic.
Overall, my issue is with the company and not the product itself, but there are still improvements that can be made on both for complete customer satisfaction.
You CANNOT return this bedframe for a full refund of your purchase. If you return it then you will be charged a 50% restocking fee and the return shipping fee to send it back, PLUS the prior international shipping fee to ship it from Japan, which the seller informed is $150 or more. The return policy here is misleading as returning this item will likely cost you more than the purchasing price. Once youve bought this youre basically stuck with it. However, I will say the bedframe shipped to me was decently made and relatively comfortable. Moving it is very challenging as you cant pick it up like a normal bed frame or it will bend and bow in the center and possibly break. The instructions are entirely in Japanese and there is no English translation provided but its so simple to assemble that you can get by with Google Translate or just looking at the pictures. There are also rough edges that may need sanding but nothing drastic. Overall, my issue is with the company and not the product itself, but there are still improvements that can be made on both for complete customer satisfaction.