I ordered this bed to give my daughter more room in her bedroom. I was surprised how sturdy it is. If I wanted I could set it in the middle of the room without the walls for support. It was pretty easy to put together, I did it by myself, as my husband was at work. It had a learning curve but one I got started I had no problems. The only part I am not looking forward to is changing the sheets. That is going to be difficult. Otherwise very happy with my purchase. ... exactly as it shows in the picture and the best..
Nice and sturdy
I ordered this bed to give my daughter more room in her bedroom. I was surprised how sturdy it is. If I wanted I could set it in the middle of the room without the walls for support. It was pretty easy to put together, I did it by myself, as my husband was at work. It had a learning curve but one I got started I had no problems. The only part I am not looking forward to is changing the sheets. That is going to be difficult. Otherwise very happy with my purchase. ... exactly as it shows in the picture and the best..