Arrived without any damage and had all the parts I needed (plus extra screws and such). Took a while to assemble but instructions were pretty straight forward and easy to follow. They are the perfect size; can store/hold a lot of things but it doesnt take up a ton of space. The look super nice. Through putting it together, it seemed like the drawer is pretty sturdy and the bottom of the draw will hold up. Satisfied with this purchase so far. Enough strength.
Satisfied with purchase
Arrived without any damage and had all the parts I needed (plus extra screws and such). Took a while to assemble but instructions were pretty straight forward and easy to follow. They are the perfect size; can store/hold a lot of things but it doesnt take up a ton of space. The look super nice. Through putting it together, it seemed like the drawer is pretty sturdy and the bottom of the draw will hold up. Satisfied with this purchase so far. Enough strength.