Overall I am happy with this purchase. However, a few things to mention.Some of the areas on the wood look a bit dull and One of the silver round screw bolts broke while tightening. I reached out to the seller to see about sending a replacement bolt to fully secure the top of the table down. The instructions were about 95 clear and all if the peices were labeled. Somethings I had to undo and go back and flip/turn ect because the direction was vague on that particular part. Other wise great peices. Looks great.
Overall I am happy with this purchase. However, a few things to mention.Some of the areas on the wood look a bit dull and One of the silver round screw bolts broke while tightening. I reached out to the seller to see about sending a replacement bolt to fully secure the top of the table down. The instructions were about 95 clear and all if the peices were labeled. Somethings I had to undo and go back and flip/turn ect because the direction was vague on that particular part. Other wise great peices. Looks great.