This chair was a real surprise. Its well made and sturdy. I am impressed with the textile. The ease of putting it together was far easier than anything Ive bought from . Well made and a great addition. Its bigger than I expected, as it is an accent chair.
It came well packed and no damage. I was tickled by the fact that the legs came zipped in a pouch underneath the chair; and, the pieces were packed in a nifty white clothishbag.
Super nice surprise!!
This chair was a real surprise. Its well made and sturdy. I am impressed with the textile. The ease of putting it together was far easier than anything Ive bought from . Well made and a great addition. Its bigger than I expected, as it is an accent chair. It came well packed and no damage. I was tickled by the fact that the legs came zipped in a pouch underneath the chair; and, the pieces were packed in a nifty white clothishbag.