This table chair set is surprisingly sturdy and well built. It takes awhile to put it together but it was just me. I started with the table and that was an easy assembly. The color is definitely more brown, which is what I wanted. I dont see much if any cherry tone in the finish at all. I am really impressed with the quality of this little set for the price.
We have a 7 foot by 7 foot dinning nook to put it in and as you can see, it fits perfectly! I highly recommend this but have a friend help with the chair assmeblies.
Perfect for small space
This table chair set is surprisingly sturdy and well built. It takes awhile to put it together but it was just me. I started with the table and that was an easy assembly. The color is definitely more brown, which is what I wanted. I dont see much if any cherry tone in the finish at all. I am really impressed with the quality of this little set for the price. We have a 7 foot by 7 foot dinning nook to put it in and as you can see, it fits perfectly! I highly recommend this but have a friend help with the chair assmeblies.