My son loves it!! This product was extremely easy to assemble, and was beautiful when finished. It is a great everyday table to use. The table and height and length are great for smaller spaces. In our apartment, we planned to use it for breakfast, working from home, etc. We had put it out on our back porch during a nice, sunny day and forgot to take it back inside that night and unfortunately it rained and caused damage to the and table planks. Carrie provided excellent customer service, despite the water damage done that was completely our fault, and she reissued a new one for us. I would certainly recommend buying from this seller. She responds quickly, and does everything she can to make sure the buyer has a positive experience. I am excited for the reissued table to come so we can use it again! (inside of course)
Great table customer service
My son loves it!! This product was extremely easy to assemble, and was beautiful when finished. It is a great everyday table to use. The table and height and length are great for smaller spaces. In our apartment, we planned to use it for breakfast, working from home, etc. We had put it out on our back porch during a nice, sunny day and forgot to take it back inside that night and unfortunately it rained and caused damage to the and table planks. Carrie provided excellent customer service, despite the water damage done that was completely our fault, and she reissued a new one for us. I would certainly recommend buying from this seller. She responds quickly, and does everything she can to make sure the buyer has a positive experience. I am excited for the reissued table to come so we can use it again! (inside of course)