I searched high and low for a sizeable, sturdy console table for our beach house. This one was perfect! The antique white color matches any decor, but really allowed me to accessorize with fun nautical pops of color. It shipped faster than expected, assembly was a total snap, and it is very sturdy. The only issue I had was a missing part: the mini leg that supports the bottom shelf. I reached out to customer service, they responded within a few hours, and within days the missing part was at my door. Not the cheapest option out there, but a quality item for the money. Love it!
Classic quality console table
I searched high and low for a sizeable, sturdy console table for our beach house. This one was perfect! The antique white color matches any decor, but really allowed me to accessorize with fun nautical pops of color. It shipped faster than expected, assembly was a total snap, and it is very sturdy. The only issue I had was a missing part: the mini leg that supports the bottom shelf. I reached out to customer service, they responded within a few hours, and within days the missing part was at my door. Not the cheapest option out there, but a quality item for the money. Love it!