This is my second winder. I have had a Cub for roughly a year and a half and it has worked flawlessly. I got another watch, so I bought the this time around. Overall, the quality and function is what I expected and very nice. The door is sturdy and the controls feel solid. The motor is quiet. I like that the power switch is on the front, unlike the Cub which has it on the back.
All that being said, if I have to buy a third winder, Ill go back to the Cub for one reason. The door on the Cub is magnetic and works flawlessly. The door is a little trickier. If the is sitting on a flat surface, the door wont quite open all the way, so you end up sliding the winder forward to the edge of the surface so the door falls out of the way. Also, the latch on the top doesnt flip open as easily as I expect it too. These are very minor gripes, honestly, and I dont mind to imply that its cheap or poorly designed, its just that the Cub works just a little bit better. Well worth the purchase.
Love my winders.
This is my second winder. I have had a Cub for roughly a year and a half and it has worked flawlessly. I got another watch, so I bought the this time around. Overall, the quality and function is what I expected and very nice. The door is sturdy and the controls feel solid. The motor is quiet. I like that the power switch is on the front, unlike the Cub which has it on the back. All that being said, if I have to buy a third winder, Ill go back to the Cub for one reason. The door on the Cub is magnetic and works flawlessly. The door is a little trickier. If the is sitting on a flat surface, the door wont quite open all the way, so you end up sliding the winder forward to the edge of the surface so the door falls out of the way. Also, the latch on the top doesnt flip open as easily as I expect it too. These are very minor gripes, honestly, and I dont mind to imply that its cheap or poorly designed, its just that the Cub works just a little bit better. Well worth the purchase.