Gorgeous color, easy to assemble, and larger than expected
I have received the first half of the shipment/ everything but the back piece. It was extremely easy to assemble but some of let legs take some working, added rubber washers to be placed correctly. The material is extremely soft, almost like a microfiber velvet and ships faster than expected. Once I receive the back I will update my review.
I received the back of the couch through a second package delivered the next day. This couch is small and firm but looks aming. It looks nice
Gorgeous color, easy to assemble, and larger than expected
I have received the first half of the shipment/ everything but the back piece. It was extremely easy to assemble but some of let legs take some working, added rubber washers to be placed correctly. The material is extremely soft, almost like a microfiber velvet and ships faster than expected. Once I receive the back I will update my review. EDIT I received the back of the couch through a second package delivered the next day. This couch is small and firm but looks aming. It looks nice