Good little nightstand. Very sturdy. Bought it for extra storage to slide under our office desk. Wide enough to put my cricut on and get it off the top of my desk, which is what I was needing. I do wish it was a little deeper. My main criticism is the screwholes were way too small for the screws, especially with the little screwdriver that was included, and the screws were designed so no other Phillips screwdriver would fit the screws. I ended up having to brace the screwdriver that came with it with something to turn it to force the screws in. You would probably need a drill to do it correctly (which I didnt have at the time). Once I got it put together it looked really nice. My only other criticism would be that it would be nice if the drawers were braced with a stopper to stay in the nightstand when pulled out. One of my best buys.
Difficult to assemble
Good little nightstand. Very sturdy. Bought it for extra storage to slide under our office desk. Wide enough to put my cricut on and get it off the top of my desk, which is what I was needing. I do wish it was a little deeper. My main criticism is the screwholes were way too small for the screws, especially with the little screwdriver that was included, and the screws were designed so no other Phillips screwdriver would fit the screws. I ended up having to brace the screwdriver that came with it with something to turn it to force the screws in. You would probably need a drill to do it correctly (which I didnt have at the time). Once I got it put together it looked really nice. My only other criticism would be that it would be nice if the drawers were braced with a stopper to stay in the nightstand when pulled out. One of my best buys.