Bed is shipped in two separate boxes. Received one box, began putting it together and realized we were missing a lot of pieces. The seller was quick to respond and kept in touch while waiting for the other box to arrive. Seller was great! However; the bed was somewhat difficult to put together. Also the trundle isnt on any kind of track so its very hard to pull out and put back in. Takes two adults to pull it out. Overall the bed is sturdy, looks nice, and the seller was wonderful. Just a huge pain for the trundle. Kinda disappointed in that. Good find!!
Decent bed. Trundle sucks.
Bed is shipped in two separate boxes. Received one box, began putting it together and realized we were missing a lot of pieces. The seller was quick to respond and kept in touch while waiting for the other box to arrive. Seller was great! However; the bed was somewhat difficult to put together. Also the trundle isnt on any kind of track so its very hard to pull out and put back in. Takes two adults to pull it out. Overall the bed is sturdy, looks nice, and the seller was wonderful. Just a huge pain for the trundle. Kinda disappointed in that. Good find!!