I am blown away by this bed because of the price tag. It is so sturdy and looks extremely high end. I assembled this bed by myself in about an hour, it was extremely easy to put together very well built. All the hardware was already screwed in which made assembly EVEN EASIER! The only thing that had me very confused is when I first opened the box, the only thing I saw was the headboard, all the instructions and pieces are actually INSIDE the headboard. This is really awesome but very confusing at first because I thought I was missing all the pieces! This is an excellent and sturdy bed! Bought two great value for the money, durable.
Aming quality!
I am blown away by this bed because of the price tag. It is so sturdy and looks extremely high end. I assembled this bed by myself in about an hour, it was extremely easy to put together very well built. All the hardware was already screwed in which made assembly EVEN EASIER! The only thing that had me very confused is when I first opened the box, the only thing I saw was the headboard, all the instructions and pieces are actually INSIDE the headboard. This is really awesome but very confusing at first because I thought I was missing all the pieces! This is an excellent and sturdy bed! Bought two great value for the money, durable.