This will work since It’s just my husband and I. Would not recommend for a big family it’s not very sturdy. Would look good in a sitting room with not a lot of traffic. The seats are not very deep and while sitting on it, feels like a kids couch because it’s sits low. Came in 4 boxes, decently easy assembly. The couch part does NOT connect to the chaise lounger. It is built as 2 separate pieces and no way to screw then together so they will slide apart.
The feet are cheap plastic and not solid wood, just doesn’t feel sturdy.
Pillow cushions are thin.
Decent but cheap
This will work since It’s just my husband and I. Would not recommend for a big family it’s not very sturdy. Would look good in a sitting room with not a lot of traffic. The seats are not very deep and while sitting on it, feels like a kids couch because it’s sits low. Came in 4 boxes, decently easy assembly. The couch part does NOT connect to the chaise lounger. It is built as 2 separate pieces and no way to screw then together so they will slide apart. The feet are cheap plastic and not solid wood, just doesn’t feel sturdy. Pillow cushions are thin.