Excellent, Stylish and safe So far so good. I am happy very happy about my purchase. Everything came how it was suppose to. It actually came earlier than expected. Was an easy assemble all the way down to the last screw. Took an hour. Bought it for my 4 yr old who sleeps like a rainforest monkey. She loves it. Her Dad and I have to occasionally lay with her to help her fall asleep very sturdy. No squeaking or anything. Great buy. Time to see how long it will uphold.
Awesome purchase
Excellent, Stylish and safe So far so good. I am happy very happy about my purchase. Everything came how it was suppose to. It actually came earlier than expected. Was an easy assemble all the way down to the last screw. Took an hour. Bought it for my 4 yr old who sleeps like a rainforest monkey. She loves it. Her Dad and I have to occasionally lay with her to help her fall asleep very sturdy. No squeaking or anything. Great buy. Time to see how long it will uphold.