High quality product. Takes time to assemble. My cats and I equally love this chair. Ive had my eye on it for a while, so when it became available to buy on payments, I had no reason not to get it!
It came mostly assembled. Just had to attach the legs and put on the cushions, and it was ready to go. Its genuine leather, so if any of my cat scratch it, I can buff that scratch out with some leather furniture polish. But, mostly, the cats just sleep on it.
Its super comfortable and stylish. It fits in perfectly with my existing mid century modern home decor, and it adds warmth to the space. Its a medium -large size chair. My 280lb, 62 husband can sit in it comfortably, and the chair holds up great. Overall, I love it! Compared to other real leather, mid century modern style chairs, its also an incredible deal, too!
Awesome Mid Century Modern Leather Chair
High quality product. Takes time to assemble. My cats and I equally love this chair. Ive had my eye on it for a while, so when it became available to buy on payments, I had no reason not to get it! It came mostly assembled. Just had to attach the legs and put on the cushions, and it was ready to go. Its genuine leather, so if any of my cat scratch it, I can buff that scratch out with some leather furniture polish. But, mostly, the cats just sleep on it. Its super comfortable and stylish. It fits in perfectly with my existing mid century modern home decor, and it adds warmth to the space. Its a medium -large size chair. My 280lb, 62 husband can sit in it comfortably, and the chair holds up great. Overall, I love it! Compared to other real leather, mid century modern style chairs, its also an incredible deal, too!