My daughter is super happy about this mirror. The gold color matches her room and decor really well. It is the perfect size for a full image and the angle of the mirror lends for a great reflection. The mirror has a sturdy base and back. When it propped up with the backing, the mirror does not take up too much space. Perfect fit for a smaller room too. It is a bit too heavy to be mounted on the wall. The mirror came in a really big box and initially I thought it might have been broken. But, upon opening it, I could see that they took care and effort in packaging it so it wouldnt break during delivery. This is a very good purchase and highly recommended. Easy to fix.
Perfect mirror
My daughter is super happy about this mirror. The gold color matches her room and decor really well. It is the perfect size for a full image and the angle of the mirror lends for a great reflection. The mirror has a sturdy base and back. When it propped up with the backing, the mirror does not take up too much space. Perfect fit for a smaller room too. It is a bit too heavy to be mounted on the wall. The mirror came in a really big box and initially I thought it might have been broken. But, upon opening it, I could see that they took care and effort in packaging it so it wouldnt break during delivery. This is a very good purchase and highly recommended. Easy to fix.