This bed was very easy for my husband to assemble. It took about an hour. Before this my 1 and a half year old daughter was in a crib that I just couldnt keep because she loves to jump and climb. I needed a bed that was floor level but also sturdy and this one was perfect. You can easy dress it up and make it so beautiful. Best purchase ever and she ABSOLUTELY loves her bed. Just look at it, it speaks for itself. ok value for the money
Fantastic bed
This bed was very easy for my husband to assemble. It took about an hour. Before this my 1 and a half year old daughter was in a crib that I just couldnt keep because she loves to jump and climb. I needed a bed that was floor level but also sturdy and this one was perfect. You can easy dress it up and make it so beautiful. Best purchase ever and she ABSOLUTELY loves her bed. Just look at it, it speaks for itself. ok value for the money