My husband was really impressed by how easily this frame went together. He used an electric drill and was done in about 30 minutes or less. It is solid and stable and a perfect fit for our twin XL memory foam mattress, but not so heavy that I cant move it myself. The extra supports in the middle are nice. The slats are close enough together to give great support to the mattress. I wish we had a headboard, but maybe well find a nice used one.
I would recommend this frame to anyone.
Solid and easy to assemble
My husband was really impressed by how easily this frame went together. He used an electric drill and was done in about 30 minutes or less. It is solid and stable and a perfect fit for our twin XL memory foam mattress, but not so heavy that I cant move it myself. The extra supports in the middle are nice. The slats are close enough together to give great support to the mattress. I wish we had a headboard, but maybe well find a nice used one. I would recommend this frame to anyone.