The seller was very responsive when the chair didnt show up on the day said it was delivered, they fixed the shipment and I got it the next day, and sent me instructions w/in an hour. The chair is a little tough to put together for one person just b/c of the screws and size of the seat and back, but I got it together on my own. It is quite cushy, firm, and soft. The lower part of the back curves with my back quite nicely.
Comfy chair
The seller was very responsive when the chair didnt show up on the day said it was delivered, they fixed the shipment and I got it the next day, and sent me instructions w/in an hour. The chair is a little tough to put together for one person just b/c of the screws and size of the seat and back, but I got it together on my own. It is quite cushy, firm, and soft. The lower part of the back curves with my back quite nicely.