The chairs are adorable. The color is exactly as advertised. Theyre pretty comfy to sit in. Super easy to assemble.
However, the quality is not great. Both of my chairs had scratches/scuffs in the fabric straight out of the box. One of the chairs has a bend in the metal piece that you put the screw through. So on that chair I can only put 3/4 screws in place because the screw is not long enough to reach the chair with this bend in the metal frame. (See photo references)
These are the first chairs Ive ever purchased that are not second hand. So I had high expectations for the quality, and they didnt live up to my expectations. When I buy something second hand I dont care if its scuffed, but when its brand new, I expect it to look brand new.
Overall theyre pretty good, but not great. Id hope for a lot more quality when paying this much for a chair, but theyre still pretty cute and will get the job done.
Cute and comfy, but not great quality
The chairs are adorable. The color is exactly as advertised. Theyre pretty comfy to sit in. Super easy to assemble. However, the quality is not great. Both of my chairs had scratches/scuffs in the fabric straight out of the box. One of the chairs has a bend in the metal piece that you put the screw through. So on that chair I can only put 3/4 screws in place because the screw is not long enough to reach the chair with this bend in the metal frame. (See photo references) These are the first chairs Ive ever purchased that are not second hand. So I had high expectations for the quality, and they didnt live up to my expectations. When I buy something second hand I dont care if its scuffed, but when its brand new, I expect it to look brand new. Overall theyre pretty good, but not great. Id hope for a lot more quality when paying this much for a chair, but theyre still pretty cute and will get the job done.